Parents’ Sharing

Parent: Carmen Chan
My son, Toby has joint the music class and drama classes when he was in the Kindergarten. They were his favorite courses he has ever attended. The teachers were kind and sincere to the children. The course contents could cater for the kids’ interest and needs so that they enjoy them very much. In the music class, the most interesting part was that the students could record a CD of their own voice and singing. This was an unforgettable experience to my son.
In the drama classes, Toby learnt acting through playing so he found it interesting. His confidence was built as a result of the speaking practice. At the end of the course, students had to perform on the stage in front of a big audience. You would find it amazing that such little kids could perform so well. I could say the Trinity course of My Stage was an earnest one and I highly recommend it.

Parent: Patgi Kam
當天,我為他安排了在不同的教室試有關話劇的堂,最後我和叡希都選擇了在這裡上Trinity drama bronze 課程,因為叡希在短短的一堂時間裏,很開心地唱歌跳舞,更會說對白和演繹不同的表情,這令我十分驚喜,這都是因為課程設計生動全面,亦因為老師親切和有愛心,具豐富經驗,能帶動課堂的學習氣氛和小朋友的投入感,所以所有小朋友都學得很開心。結果叡希一直由bronze,silver,gold, 完成了三個Trinity 課程。他不但學習說英文對白和英詩集誦的技巧,更親手做道具,佈置場景,和學習到很多話劇的知識。我看見他不斷進步,由最初害羞不多說話,到表演時在眾人面前放膽放聲說英語,更能和眾多小演員合作,完成一套套精彩的話劇。我很多謝學校和老師們的用心教導,令他變成有自信,勇於發言的孩子。這改變對他在升小學面試時非常有幫助,因為他的自信和敢言,他成功考取數間直資和私立小學的入學資格,最後入讀心儀的小學。直至現在,小學老師對他的評語都是學習主動和上課投入,為叡希帶來的改變令他終生受用。