Our Team

Lai Yan-Chi, Mo
Artistic Director and Founding Artistic Director of Hong Kong English Children Musical Theatre
Our Artistic Director is not like others. Throughout the years, Mo serves the community through performance, education and films. Miss Lai is the awardee of numerous prominent awards which include the award of Ten Outstanding Young Persons Selection (十大傑出青年) and Hong Kong Arts Development Council’s Award for Young Artist (Film) , Chang Kuo-sin Award for Aspiring Young Communicators.
Mo has been involved in performing arts from her university. She has served as actress, playwright, producer and director of theatre performance and films. One of her latest works is N+N which entered into more than 30 international film festivals, won ten grand international award and received overwhelming responses from the public.
Mo is also active in theatre education, which she teaches drama to school students and is invited to be the judge for the Hong Kong School Drama Festival (English section). Recently she was also appointed by West Kowloon District Authority and Hong Kong Arts Development Council to conduct research on performance in public spaces in New York, San Francisco, Chicago and London.

Carmen Leung
[BEd(Eng), MSc]
Curriculum Planning and Development Director
Miss Carmen Leung obtained the Master Degree and Bachelor of Education (Honours) at the University of Hong Kong, studying English Language Education and Psychology. Being highly passionate in education, Carmen did not pursue her university degree in those subjects generally considered as elite. Instead she told Prof. Stephen Andrews, the former Dean of Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong, “I want to pursue my career in education, just because I would like to give our next generation the best they could have.”
Carmen thinks that the best for our next generation is their “passion to learn”. All the courses she designs never get away from arousing children’s curiosity and real interest in what they learn. She hopes to bring real life topic into the classrooms, so that children can be inspired by the knowledge happening just beside them.
Carmen pursues further education at Massachusetts of USA, studying Children Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology. In order to bring new teaching approaches from overseas to Hong Kong, Carmen also went for an immersion programme in in Australia, exchanging ideas related to early childhood education such as memory, sensory-motor and brain training.
- Master and Bachelor of Education in Language Education, University of Hong Kong, majoring in English language education and psychology
- Graduated from Belilios Public School with 7 distinctions in Public Examination (HKCEE)
- Studied professional courses of Child Development Psychology, Social Psychology and Education Psychology at Massachusetts, USA
- Immersion experience in kindergartens in Australia, studied sensory motor training and brain training for young children
- Worked in Liberal Studies Section of Education Bureau
- Passionate in education, hopes to bring children to a new horizon through teaching
- Was interviewed by different press including Baby Magazine, Oriental Daily, Preschool Magazine and WhizKids Weekly, etc
- Columnist of EVI children magazine

Kate Mulligan
Head Drama and Speech Teacher
- 愛爾蘭國立大學 (National University of Ireland, Galway) 地理及心理學榮譽學士及戲劇教育榮譽碩士。
- 英語教育專業證書 (TEFLCertificate)。
- 來港前在英國及愛爾蘭參演不同的話劇和音樂劇,並教授戲劇課程。
- Miss Kate是專業的音樂劇、個人短講、朗誦及英語導師,2012年來港後曾在多家戲劇教育中心、著名本地及國際學校如喇沙書院、International Montessori School,West Island School 等任教,教學經驗非常豐富。
- 曾擔任不同兒童音樂劇的編劇及導演,並在校際戲劇節獲得多個劇本及導演獎項。
- 教授不同的英語朗誦及演說課程,學生在校際朗誦節獲得多個獎項。
- 倫敦聖三一學院榮譽導師資格,曾參與戲劇導師培訓。
- Miss Kate對教育充滿熱誠,十分關心學生,她能生動有趣地帶出課堂重點,所設計的課程互動性很高,能讓學生充分投入。